Satellite Coverage Maps
OmniSTAR is pleased to offer our customers worldwide correction coverage. To help you select the satellite that is best for your region, please review the satellite frequency list below.
For instructions on how to change to a different satellite frequency, please check your receiver manual or contact our Customer Service team. For updated frequency settings and receiver instructions please visit:
OmniSTAR Beam Change Updates
Due to a switch to an all-new satellite by our satellite beam provider, the OmniSTAR satellite beam in the Americas region, AMSAT, will change its name, ID, frequency and baud rate. This will affect all OmniSTAR GNSS receivers using OmniSTAR VBS, OmniSTAR XP, OmniSTAR HP, OmniSTAR G2 correction services via satellite delivery.
For more information, contact Customer Care.
The following graphs show the coverage of each individual satellite. Red dots are reference stations used within the current network.
AMSAT – North & South America
OCSAT – Asia Pacific
ERSAT – Europe and Africa
IRSAT – India, CIS, Middle-East
OmniSTAR offers global correction coverage for our land-based applications. Please refer to the table below to determine which satellite frequency you should use in your area. You can also view coverage maps showing the areas covered by each beam in the sections below.
If you have any questions about which frequency is best for you to use, please feel free to contact us for assistance.
OmniSTAR Satellites and Regional Coverage (as of September, 2021)
Coverage Area |
Americas Region: | |||
North, Central and South America including the Caribbean | AMSAT | 1545.9375 | 1200 |
Europe / Africa Region: | |||
Europe, Africa & Middle-East | ERSAT | 1545.9500 | 2400 |
India, CIS, Middle-East | IOSAT | 1545.8075 | 1200 |
Asia Pacific Region: | |||
Asia | OCSAT | 1545.8750 | 1200 |
Australia & Pacific Rim | OCSAT | 1545.8750 | 1200 |